LESSON 1 Emotions and How to Manage Them
Students will be able to:
Describe emotional changes during puberty (e.g., mood shifts).
Describe strategies to manage strong feelings, including anger.
Apply the use of positive self-talk to manage feelings.
LESSON 2 Puberty and Personal Hygiene
Understand that puberty and development can vary considerably and still be normal.
Identify personal hygiene practices and health/safety issues during puberty (e.g., showering, deodorant, use of sanitary products, and athletic supports).
Describe social changes during puberty (e.g., changes in friendships and changing expectations of parents/adults).
Describe emotional changes during puberty (e.g., mood shifts).
Describe physical changes that occur during puberty (e.g., body hair, body odor, voice, body shape, strength, hormones, and menstruation).
Know how to develop plans to maintain personal hygiene during puberty.
LESSON 1 Self-Esteem
Students will be able to:
Define self-esteem.
Explain how self-esteem affects the choices people make.
Identify reasons why it is important to have positive self-esteem.
Identify and creatively display six positive qualities about themselves.
LESSON 2 Influence
Students will be able to:
Define influence
Explain how culture, media, and others influence what one thinks about oneself and relationships.
Explain how positive and negative influences impact themselves and others.
Describe how self-esteem and influence are interconnected.
LESSON 3 Puberty and Personal Hygiene
Students will be able to:
Explain that males and females develop at different rates, and there are wide variations within each sex.
Explain social changes during puberty (e.g., changes in friendships, crushes/attractions, and changing expectations of parents/adults).
Explain emotional changes during puberty (e.g., mood shifts).
Explain physical changes that occur during puberty (e.g., body hair, body odor, voice, body shape, strength, hormones, and menstruation).
Define and identify basic male and female reproductive anatomy using scientific names.
Define the functions of sperm and egg cells in human reproduction.
Describe how sperm cells are produced.
Describe the menstrual cycle and its potential for human reproduction.
Describe the functions of basic male and female reproductive anatomy.
Students will be able to:
Define HIV & AIDS.
Explain that it is safe to be a friend of someone who is living with HIV or AIDS.
Describe how HIV is and is not transmitted.
Describe ways people can protect themselves from infection with serious blood borne communicable diseases, including not touching blood, not touching used needles, and not having sex.
LESSON 5 Risks & Responsibilities of the Digital World
Students will be able to:
Describe safety hazards, including those related to using the internet.
Recognize safe and unsafe use of the internet.
Apply strategies to stay safe when using the internet.
Demonstrate how to ask a trusted adult for help.